
Wyświetlanie postów z sierpień, 2024

6 wonderful books for BOYS of all ages!

  Hello, everybody! Hello, kids! It's been a while since I made the top 6 books for girls if all ages which I think are worth giving them a read. And now, it's time for me to do the long overdue list for books that I think will make young gentlemen want to smile (which are not about monster-trucks or gross humour). Of course, everyone's free to read whatever they want , no matter if they're a boy or a girl, old or young.  With that out of the way, let's see what those legendary reads are! 6. Bolt by Disney Books  The book follows the same story as its film counterpart. Bolt, the titular character, is a canine Hollywood star who one day escapes from the studio to find his owner, a young girl named Penny. Along the way, he makes new friends and realises what truly matters in the life of a dog for the first time. The book stays relatively faithful to the Disney movie's plot and character designs, offering an enjoyable reading time for kids who are just learning to