
Wyświetlanie postów z grudzień, 2022

A Chris Christmas - story

  It was a grey December morning and the snow was falling all around the town. 12-year-old Chris woke up to this view and he felt excited. - Mum, Dad, Tea! - he shouted cheerfully - It's today, it's today! The Christmas Eve is today!   - He's pretty enthusiastic about what's going to happen today, isn't he? - said Tifa, as she looked at her son from across the kitchen. - Yeah, right - replied Tea, letting out a big yawn. She did not get much sleep the previous night.  - Alright, kids, we're visiting your grandmum, Jun, for the Christmas Eve dinner - announced Cloud. - Please, be on your absolute best behaviour.  - We promise, dad - replied Danzel and Marlene.  - But first, we need your help with preparing our house for tonight's celebration - said Tifa and the all kids got swiftly to work after breakfast. Before the clock struck noon, the place was spic-and-span clean. When the evening came, the whole family arrived at Jun's place. They were welcomed by