A Chris Christmas - story

 It was a grey December morning and the snow was falling all around the town. 12-year-old Chris woke up to this view and he felt excited.

- Mum, Dad, Tea! - he shouted cheerfully - It's today, it's today! The Christmas Eve is today!

 - He's pretty enthusiastic about what's going to happen today, isn't he? - said Tifa, as she looked at her son from across the kitchen.

- Yeah, right - replied Tea, letting out a big yawn. She did not get much sleep the previous night. 

- Alright, kids, we're visiting your grandmum, Jun, for the Christmas Eve dinner - announced Cloud. - Please, be on your absolute best behaviour. 

- We promise, dad - replied Danzel and Marlene. 

- But first, we need your help with preparing our house for tonight's celebration - said Tifa and the all kids got swiftly to work after breakfast. Before the clock struck noon, the place was spic-and-span clean.

When the evening came, the whole family arrived at Jun's place. They were welcomed by Duchess and her three kittens - Marie, who was the only female and looked a lot like her mother, Brelioz and Tolouse, the two boys. Tea couldn't help but pet all the kittens, while Chris was sitting there, gently smoking at Duchess. 

 Suddenly, the doorbell rang. It was Sherry, who wanted to join celebration. 

- Excuse me, - she said shyly - may I join your humble celebration, ma'am? - the girl added.

- Of course, you can - said Jun with a smile on her face. - Come in. 

After the dinner, it was time to open the presents. Everyone got a lot of amazing and beautiful gifts. But Chris was especially happy with what he received.

- Oh, "The Moomin Tales"! - Chris' eyes lit up with endearment - Wicked! Let's check this book out, shall we? - he offered to Sherry, who happily agreed. It was quite a funny and joyful read for both of them.

Later, they decided to play a video game. At first, it seemed that Sherry had the upper hand.

- Gee, Sherry, you're quite good at it - complimented Chris. 

- Thanks - Sherry coyly replied. And as the round was over, the girl has won. But Chris didn't feel bad. He congratulated his future girlfriend the victory and admitted they had a fun time together thus far.

The midnight was drawing near, and both kids watched TV, tired but happy. Then, Cloud came closer to his son and his sweetheart. 

- It's about time Sherry goes home - he announced. - I will drive her home to her parents soon - he added. 

- Okay, mister, I'm going to the Hall and getting ready to go home - Sherry replied. 

- But she will visit us on the New Year's Eve, won't she? - asked Chris with hope in his voice. 

- She will for sure - said Cloud to his son, flashing his biggest smile yet. 

This story was requested by a user called heroicsonnyjim on DeviantArt. Thank you! 


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