
Wyświetlanie postów z luty, 2024

6 incredible books for girls of ALL AGES!

  Hello everyone and hello children, I know it's been a while since I have last written a proper post here and now, I'm fully back. With a surprise! This one is for all of you who love reading books, but it can also be seen as kind of an encouragement to read, especially for the little ones and youngsters. Anyhow, here are my 5 choices for amazing pieces of literature written with young ladies in mind (that aren't about glitter princesses, fashion models or rainbow unicorns;  NOT   that I've got anything against those, but some variety would be neat :)).  With that out of the way, let's begin. Oh, and the books are in a completely random order, this ISN'T a top 6 books, just a list of reads I find worth laying your eyes upon, so, no title is really "above" or "beneath" the other. ;)  6. Lady and the Tramp  - Step Into Reading (Disney)  This book follows the same story as its classic Disney film namesake. As the title suggests, it's a tale