6 incredible books for girls of ALL AGES!

 Hello everyone and hello children,

I know it's been a while since I have last written a proper post here and now, I'm fully back. With a surprise! This one is for all of you who love reading books, but it can also be seen as kind of an encouragement to read, especially for the little ones and youngsters. Anyhow, here are my 5 choices for amazing pieces of literature written with young ladies in mind (that aren't about glitter princesses, fashion models or rainbow unicorns; NOT  that I've got anything against those, but some variety would be neat :)). 

With that out of the way, let's begin. Oh, and the books are in a completely random order, this ISN'T a top 6 books, just a list of reads I find worth laying your eyes upon, so, no title is really "above" or "beneath" the other. ;) 

6. Lady and the Tramp  - Step Into Reading (Disney) 

This book follows the same story as its classic Disney film namesake. As the title suggests, it's a tale of Lady, a spoiled yet likeable female Cocker Spaniel, who meets a stray mixed breed dog named Tramp and ends up falling in love woth him along the way. With its beautiful illustrations, this one can serve as a great introduction to books for the youngest readers, but may also be entertaining to the slightly older kids, too. 

5. Alfie All Alone by Holly Webb 

I remember getting this book as a Christmas present when I was about 8 or 9 years old and needless to say, it was one of my favourites growing up! The plot follows Evie, a young girl who always wanted to have a dog of her own. One day, her wish finally cones true, as her family adopts a Westie pup they later name Alfie. Evie and her pet become inseperable ever since. However, that's about to change when Sam, Evie's baby brother, is born... What else can I say? Wonderful story, beautiful illustrations, likeable characters. 

4. Lola on Honeymoon by Isabel Abedi

The young Lola Lovekiss is one of the best wedding planner who organises various parties for couples, which are filled with numerous surprises. And she certainly has something for every couple, be it an exotic  honeymoon and a glamourous castle wedding for world-famous pop-stars or a bulletproof vest party for secret agents. All, obviously, only during the night and with
 great imagination. This is a part of Isabel Abedi's book series "Lola". To this day, the
memory of seeing a picture of this little story on a boomark to "The Six Bullerby
Children" in my primary school days is living in my mind! 

3. Girls Under Pressure by Jacqueline Wilson

This one is aimed more at the older, tween and teen girls, and is a part of the Girls series by Jacqueline Wilson. Our adolescent protagonist, Ellie, is feeling self-conscious about her appearance, while her friends, Magda and Nadine, seem to feel great about themselves. The relatable characters and a thought-provoking story is what makes this book a great read. No wonder it was one of my favourites in middle/junior high school. 

2. The Phoenix & The Carpet by Edith Nesbit 

Probably the only fantasy book on this list. This is a continuation of Five Children and It. The story follows the adventures of five kids who discover a phoenix egg on a new carpet their mum bought. Once the mythical bird itself hatches from the egg, an array of magical adventures ensues! This is one gripping tale for readers big and small! 

1. Anne of The Green Gables by Lucy M. Montgomery 


This one needs no introduction. The story follows the life and adventures of Anne Shirley, an 11-year-old orphan with red hair and a wild imagination. A true classic that has lasted through generations and a powerful story for girls of all ages. 

Well, that's it for today's list. Of course, I should clarify, everyone's free to enjoy whatever books they want no matter if they're a boy or a girl. What I say here are merely suggestions and boys can also have a nice experience reading those. Anyway, let me know which books do YOU recommend for young readers. See ye all soon. 

        Diva 🎵



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