'Auto-B-Good' - mini review


Country: the USA

Year(s): 2005-2006

Network: Smile of a Child

Runtime: 11 minutes

Number of episodes: 63 (2 seasons)

Directed by: Handen Jetmall & several others 

Suitable for ages: 5+ 


Animation: 6/10 

Sound design: 8/10

Characters: 7/10 

Writing: 7/10



The world of animation is no stranger to films and TV series featuring antropomorphic (showing human traits) automobiles or other vehicles, with Pixar's Cars, Hasbro's The Adventures of Chuck & Friends and even the British stop-motion cartoon, Roary the Racing Car, being just some examples I remember from my childhood.  With that said, how does Auto-B-Good, a cartoon created for the TV network Smile (formerly known as Smile of a Child) fare in comparison to these creations? Well...

There's actually a lot to enjoy here. The stories, while pretty simple, are excuted in an interesting and cute way children and parents alike can understand and relate to. My favourite episode is arguably Miles to the Rescue, which I still vividly remember to this day. 

The animation and designs, while arguably the weakest aspect of the series, aren't half bad. Even if it all looks kind of rubbery by modern day standards (yeah, the series was made 17 years ago and it really shows). 

Another good quality of the series are its simple, yet charming characters, especially Mariah, Izzy and Miles, who are the most likeable of the bunch for me. The series also puts in the effort to teach kids good values, which makes me happy. :) 

However, with all that said, there are some rather dated elements to this cartoons. Besides the relatively early CGI graphics, there's also the character of Cali, who, if I put it this way, is pretty much a streotypical teenage girl. While ok on its own, some people may not be too happy about this. Also, as good as they are, the show tends to be rather preachy with its morals. 

In conclusion, if you or your little ones can overlook some of its flaws, give Auto-B-Good a go.  


Thanks for taking your time to read my mini-review and see you all in May when I got a big surprise and possibly a mini-review of a certain animated series featuring robots who are in disguise. Until then, take care!

                your Diva.



  1. Oh, and I also feel like I should clarify something - it's okay for a character to be a bit stereotypical, if you give them something to do beside that.

    Take Stella from "Winx Club ", for example. Yes, she's the "fashionista" of the group, but she's also powerful, capable of sacrificing herself for others and is also a child caught up amidst family drama (at least in the early seasons).

    Also, Elita-1 is all pink and she's a very skilled warrior!


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